Create Ayushman Bharat Health Account - ABHA Number
Creating India's Digital Health Mission
ABHA - Ayushman Bharat Health Account - Key to your digital healthcare journey.
Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission(ABDM)
What is ABHA Card? How to Download ABHA Card?
ABHA number is a 14 digit number that will uniquely identify you as a participant in India’s digital healthcare ecosystem. ABHA number will establish a strong and trustable identity for you that will be accepted by healthcare providers and payers across the country.
What is ABHA Address?
ABHA (Ayushman Bharat Health Account) address is a unique identifier (self declared username) that enables you to share and access your health records digitally. Your ABHA address may look like ‘yourname@consent manager’. For instance, xyz@abdm is a ABHA address with ABDM Consent Manager that will facilitate health data exchange for you with appropriate consent on the ABDM network.
Benefits of ABHA Number
ABHA number is a 14 digit number that will uniquely identify you as a participant in India’s digital healthcare ecosystem. ABHA number will establish a strong and trustable identity for you that will be accepted by healthcare providers across the country. Seamless sign up for PHR (Personal Health Records) applications such as ABDM ABHA application for Health data sharing.
Please Watch Video to Download ABHA Card